You may have tired of constantly shifting and adjusting your body in your recliner to find a comfortable position. If this is the case, you must be wondering if your recliner is the right fit for your body. Well, a recliner is meant to provide you with a comfortable place to rest, but it can do more harm than good if it doesn’t fit your body properly.
In this blog post, I will explore how should a recliner fit your body to ensure maximum comfort and support. Whether you’re looking to purchase a new recliner or want to improve the fit of your existing one, this guide will provide the necessary tips and tricks to make your recliner the perfect place to relax and unwind. Read on to learn!
A related post about What Size Recliner Do I Need? All Different Sizes Explained. Make sure, you read my best hand-picked recliners for Big and Tall.
Key Takeaways
[su_note note_color=”#ffe466″]To find a recliner that fits your body, consider the right height for your body, ensuring that your feet can rest flat on the ground and your arms can comfortably rest on the armrests.
Moreover, check the backrest for proper support to your upper and lower back, and the ability to adjust to your desired angle.
Test the reclining mechanism to make sure it locks at your desired angle without any rocking or wobbling. Additionally, consider the size of your room and the recliner’s length when reclined to ensure compatibility.[/su_note]
How Should a Recliner Fit Your Body?
First things first, there is not a single recliner fit for everybody; the body shape and size of every person varies, so the selection of the recliner should also be. But you can consider the following key factors to find the right recliner for your body.
Start With Finding the Right Height.

Your height is the first thing to consider when buying a recliner for yourself. When sitting in a recliner, your feet should be able to rest flat on the ground. If the recliner is too tall or too short for your height, it may be uncomfortable for you to sit in it for long periods of time.
Therefore, if you want to find the right height, measure the distance from the ground to your feet when you are seated in a chair while keeping your feet flat on the ground. By doing this, you will get a good idea of the ideal height for your recliner.
Related article: Is There A Weight Limit On Recliners?
Backrest Is Also An Important Consideration.
When you are finding a recliner for yourself that is also a good fit for your body, its backrest is one of the important features to consider. Remember that
- Your recliner’s backrest should provide support to your upper and lower back.
- Your recliner’s backrest should allow you to adjust it according to your own ease so that you can find the right angle for your body.
Therefore, when finding a suitable recliner for yourself, you should also consider the backrest, along with the right height, to find a suitable recliner.
Find a Comfortable Armrest Height.
The armrests of a recliner should be at a comfortable height for your arms to rest on. If they are too high or too low, it can lead to muscle strain and discomfort.
To find the right height for your armrests, measure the distance from the ground to your elbow when seated in a chair with your arms resting at your sides. When finding a recliner, ensure to find one with armrests at the same height as you measured.
In this way, you will have a good idea of knowing the perfect height for the armrests of a recliner and sit while your arms are placed comfortably.
The Recline Angle Should Match Your Desire.
In order to find the right recliner for your body, the recliner angle also plays an important role. While some recliners only recline a few degrees, some recliners can recline back to 180 degrees. However, you should choose the recliner that offers your desired recline angle.
Reclining locks/ Mechanism Must Suit You.
In order to get yourself your desired-sized recliner, you must consider the reclining mechanism and lever’s placement of the recliner.
- First of all, you need to verify that your recliner locks at your desired angle.
- It also should not have any rocking or wobbling while performing the reclining mechanism.
Well, I would suggest you test out the recliner before buying, as it will clear any doubts you might have had.
Test Your Recliner By Properly Sitting On it.

No doubt, several factors must be considered when choosing a recliner. But you must test the recliner you’re choosing by practically sitting on it before finalizing your decision.
Therefore, after discussing the reclining mechanism, the next important thing you need to do is try out the recliner before deciding to purchase it.
Since you are spending a big amount of your money on a recliner, you have to be sure about its comfort level, and most importantly, the recliner should give you perfect support.
Read more about Sitting In A Recliner Cause Back Pain or not.
Don’t Forget to Consider These Factors.
Size of Your Room
Another thing that is also very crucial to the given scenario is the compatibility between the size of your room and the size of your recliner.
You see, if you want to buy a recliner that is larger in size and can’t fit in your room, there is no way you should consider buying that.
Therefore, while buying yourself a recliner, you don’t only need to test it out for your ease, but you need to also make sure that it will fit right in your room too.
Size of the Recliner Vs Your Height
If you are tall, the standard measurements for a recliner probably won’t work for you. The seat height should be 20 inches or above for a tall individual. At the same time, the backrest height should be 32 inches or above.
Length of the Recliner When Reclined
Well, when a recliner is fully reclined, its current length is highly dependent on the design and specific model of that recliner. So, let me give you a general idea about it.
You see, some recliners are designed in a way to recline only up to a certain limit. What I mean to say by that is some recliners only recline partially. Whereas you will see some recliners that can recline all the way like a bed.
Therefore, if we talk about a recliner size chart, you will see that the length of a recliner when it is in a reclined position is greater than its length when it is in an upright position.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Your Feet Supposed to Hang Over the Recliner?
While sitting in a recliner, your feet shouldn’t be hanging over the edge of the recliner. See, recliners are designed to provide comfort to the human body.
If your feet hang over your recliner, it means your recliner is too short for your body. So, you should either buy a new recliner of the right size or use a footrest to raise your feet.
How Do You Know If a Recliner is a Right Size for You?
The best way to determine if a recliner is the right size for you is to sit in it and test it out. While testing out the recliner, make sure to adjust the leg rest and backrest to find the most comfortable position for your body. If a recliner fits you comfortably and provides great support, it’s likely a good fit for you.
Where Should Your Feet Be On a Recliner?
When sitting in a recliner, your feet should be able to rest flat on the ground. It helps improve circulation in your legs and reduce muscle strain.
If you are unable to find a recliner that allows your feet to rest flat on the ground, you may need to use a footrest or ottoman to elevate your feet.
As some final words, I hope to say that I have given you a satisfactory answer to the question: how should a recliner fit your body? To conclude in two sentences, finding the right recliner for your body requires some careful consideration.
By following the tips outlined above, you can find a recliner that fits your body perfectly and provides the comfort and support you need for relaxation.