Coming home after a long, tiring day at work is exhausting until you have a recliner. You can sink into it, kick up your feet, and recline back, enjoying the plush cushioning and gentle rocking motion. It’s the perfect spot to unwind, catch up on your favourite TV shows, or simply relax.
Recliners are undoubtedly popular for their comfort and relaxation features, but you should know if are recliners bad for your hips. In this blog post, I’ll explore this question in detail, uncovering the truth behind whether recliners are good or bad for your hips. Let’s take a closer look at the facts!
Are Recliners Bad For Your Hips?
There is a saying, and also it’s a universal truth, that “Excess of everything is bad”. Indeed, whatever we do, if we do more than enough, can be harmful in various ways. The same thing goes for the question being asked.
Sitting in a recliner isn’t bad for you, but sitting on a recliner for a relatively long time could only be bad for you. In other words, the occasional use of recliners for short periods of time may not be harmful to the hips, but habitual and prolonged use could have negative effects.

Therefore, moderation and maintaining good posture while using recliners and incorporating regular movement and exercise are important considerations for overall hip health.
[su_note note_color=”#ffe466″]Note: Everyone’s body is different, and individual factors such as overall health, posture, and preexisting conditions can also play a role in how recliners may affect hip health. Therefore, you must consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your circumstances.[/su_note]
When Is the Recliner Bad For Your Hips?
Following are some cases in which a recliner can be bad for your hips:
When You Have Mobility Issues.
Difficulty getting in and out of a recliner or falling while sitting for long periods can result in contractions of the knee and hip muscles, affecting body posture and causing health problems.
Poor Lumbar Support With the Recliner.
Recliners with no space between the lower back and upper back can cause damage to those with mobility issues or a bad back. Adding cushions to fill the space can help improve comfort.
Lack of Physical Activity For a Long Time.
Prolonged sitting on a recliner without physical activity can lead to joint, leg, and hip pain, affecting overall health and well-being.
Regularly Sleeping On the Recliner.
Regularly sleeping on a recliner instead of a bed can have negative consequences on physical health, especially for those with back issues or respiratory, heart, or circulatory problems.
Excessive Body Weight to the Hips.
Sitting on a recliner for extended periods can cause hip pain due to the transmission of body weight to the hips, especially for those who are overweight or obese.
Sitting On a Recliner With a Bad Posture.
Sitting on a recliner for prolonged periods in a bad posture can cause hip pain due to the inactivity of joints, leading to bone bending or weakening and potential health damage.
How To Avoid Any Health Issue When Using A Recliner?
However, modern recliners are being made by keeping health and comfortability factors in mind to give the best optimum experience to the user. The abilities like customization and health benefits make them the best recliners for hip pain patients.
Still, suppose you have a bad back, respiratory issues, diseases of the heart, or any kind of circulatory problem. In that case, you should consult your doctor or physician before sleeping on a recliner. Or also you can go with a recliner with customized hip-angle placements that will keep your comfort level better.
Is Sitting In a Recliner Unhealthy?
It’s a universal truth that “Excess of everything is bad,” so sitting on a recliner for longer will be unhealthy. If you have a bad back and sit on a recliner for longer, it will worsen it. It can also cause hip soreness, back pain, and weak muscles.
Why Does My Hip Hurt When I Sit in a Recliner?
There can be multiple reasons for a person to have hip pain:
Bad posture
Weak bones
No physical activity
Sitting on the recliner for a more extended period.
Are Recliners Bad For Your Posture?
No, if you have a terrible posture recliners can be a perfect choice. It can help you get relief and recover quickly, but sleeping on a recliner for a more extended period can be bad for your knees and hips. In some cases, it can also cause muscles to weaken or tighten over the joints, resulting in bad posture.
Is It Healthy to Sit In a Recliner?
If you have a recliner with proper lumbar support, it can be perfect for your back. A recliner that fits your body well and keeps you in good posture can have numerous health benefits.
A person dealing with body pain is usually recommended to rest on a recliner to rest appropriately and recover quickly by doctors.
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